Stories from foreign students
Almabrok Rashed

University has been the opportunity of a lifetime, and even that is an understatement

During my study of master degree at the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, I have learned a lot from the professional team of the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management.

I studied for one and a half years at the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management, Department of electromechanical equipment of energy intensive industries.

My name is Aymen and I graduated from IEE, Department of electromechanical equipment of energy intensive industries
Banaa Halbast Ali Mohammed Amin

I want to tell the administration staff and teaching staff of the Institute “Thank you for being with us all that time”
Фролов Іван

Олександра Іщенко
Учасниця проекту CPEA-LT-2016/10044

Максим Артем’єв
Учасник проекту CPEA-LT-2016/10044

Антон Фандуль

Вячеслав Голуб

Добрий день!
I’m a Master student at NTUU “KPI”. I have been at University of South-Eastern Norway for 6 months as an exchange student.
It was very great, useful and unforgettable experience in everything: study, language, travelling, culture, life in general.
For me USN means modern and progressive education, friendly atmosphere, kind and responsive professors, assistants and administration, the place where students are free to express their ideas and implement them.USN provides very comfortable working conditions and support for students. USN gave the experience of general study process in West European countries, in presentation material in English, working in groups, being group leader and many other useful capabilities. That’s why I could enjoy my study.
Quite long period of life in Porsgrunn gave me an opportunity to make close friends from all over the World, to get know their cultures, to practice English in every-day life, to travel to amazing places in Norway.
I wish other students to have the same possibility for studying in Norway and spend wonderful time in Porsgrunn!
I’m grateful for this opportunity to feel and enjoy life and study at USN!
Марта Мельник

I was the exchange student between the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management of KPI and University of South-Eastern Norway. My study course was Electrical Power Engineering.
When I went to Norway I expected to see why Norway ranks the first place in the list of countries by Human Development Index, what special features has this country. During my living there I understood why. Norway is an amazing and rich country with high level of education, medicine, safety and social welfare. In this developed country I felt myself protected, inspired, full of interest and energy.
The biggest difference for me between Norway and Ukraine was education system. I was surprised when I saw my schedule at USN. I couldn`t imagine how to have only one subject per day. In Ukraine we get used to study approximately 10 subjects in semester instead of 4 in Norway. Every day we have 3-4 classes with duration 1.5 hour. So it was as a challenge, something brand new for me. But it turned out to be great, because you learn in depth necessary subjects and I consider this very useful.
During studying I always felt support, assistance and interest to us as international students in Norway from both sides of cooperation program allowed us to enjoy every moment of our living. Possibilities such as operating plant visits, conferences, exhibitions and extracurricular activities gave me the opportunity to grow professionally in worldwide developing subjects and disciplines.
At the end I wish everyone who have a chance to study in Norway DON`T MISS IT! Because it`s the best way to discover Norway and get unforgettable experience for You.
Дарина Федоренко

Голубенко Александр

Дмитро Яценко

Павло Соколовський

Лукаш Потурай

Мушка Яна