Ukraine towards Carbon Neutrality
U_CAN aims to bridge knowledge and expertise gaps in Ukrainian cities to help them achieve climate neutrality by 2050. This involves strategic cooperation between EU expert partners and Ukrainian stakeholders to develop comprehensive green strategies and enhance local capacities.

International education project “Preparing and establishing the joint second-cycle Programme “Energetyka Nowej Generacji (New Power Engineering Generation and Energy Markets)” is granted by The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA in the framework of KATAMARAN program

International education project “Preparing and establishing the joint second-cycle Programme “Energetyka Nowej Generacji (New Power Engineering Generation and Energy Markets)” is granted by The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA in the framework of KATAMARAN program

The project «Norwegian – Ukrainian cooperation on research based education in innovative sustainable and energy efficient systems: CPEA-LT-2016/10044» is carrying out by the University College of Southeast Norway in cooperation with Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and with financial support from the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU – Eurasia Programme).
Professionalization and Stabilization of the Ukrainian Energy Management

The project entitled “Professionalization and Stabilization of the Ukrainian Energy Management” is carrying out under the Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation between the IEE National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnical Institute” and HdWM University of Applied Management Studies with funding from the German Federal Foreign Office.
EnergyWare, IncoNet EaP Twinning Grant

The project EnergyWare – Energy Efficiency in Warehousing in Maritime Supply Chains, is supported by the International Cooperation Network for Countries from the Eastern Partnership (IncoNet EaP) and coordinated by the German Aerospace Center (DLR). It is one of the IncoNet EaP Twinning Grants, named “Clustering of Scientific Projects and Institutions”, for jointly participation in Horizon 2020 calls.
For more information, please, follow the link: http://www.inco-eap.net/en/401.php.
Eurasia Programme – SIU, Ukrainian-Norwegian Collaboration on Higher Education

EURASIA PROGRAMME is aimaed to contribute to renewal and internationalisation of higher education in the cooperating countries.
The Norwegian Cooperation Programme in Higher Education (SIU) is a public Norwegian agency promoting international cooperation in education and research. SIU with Eurasia programme supports project cooperation between institutions in Norway and Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
For details see more https://www.siu.no/eng
“CENEAST” project, Tempus program

Проект «CENEAST» «Реформування програм у сфері містобудівництва на просторі Східного сусідства», що реалізується у рамках Програми Tempus є Міжрегiональним спільним проектом, пріоритети якого спрямовані на модернізацію навчальних програм.
За більш детальною інформацією звертайтесь до http://www.ceneast.com