Critical infrastructures protection in response to terrorist attacks.
Priority: 1.a.i;iv. Counter-Terrorism
Heading: Science for Peace and Security Program
Key organization: Kutahya Dumlupınar University (DPU)
Project implementation period: 05/15/2023 – 05/17/2023
Partner: National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Organizational committee:
DSc, prof., Oksana Vovk Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
PhD, Kateryna Babikova Kurs Orbital
PhD, Liubov Shaidetska Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
DSc, Tomasz Rogalski Rzeszow University of Technology (PRZ)
Prof. DSc, Oktay Sahbaz Kutahya Dumlupinar University
Prof. DSc, Onder Uysal Kutahya Dumlupinar University
Assistant Prof. DSc, Sunay Beyhan Kutahya Dumlupinar University
PhD, Olha Demydenko Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Application submission date: 05/27/2022
Registration number of the project application in the international department of KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi: A024-2022 dated 06/03/2022
Key members of the project from the department of GI: Ph.D. Vovk O.O., Ph.D. Tverda O.Ya., Ph.D. N.V. Zuevska, Ph.D. Shaidetska L.V., student.